Next Steps
Let’s get started
After an initial contact by e-mail or phone, we will fix an appointment as soon as possible. Once we have booked our initial session, I will need at least 72 hours notice if you decide to cancel the initial session, otherwise the full fee is due. For the initial session, fees are expected to be paid in advance in order to secure the slot.
The initial session is an opportunity for us to meet and get to know each other. It will be a space for you to ask any questions you may have about me or the counselling process. It is also a time for me to understand what you are looking for in counselling and to get an idea of how you are.
You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
The journey
Embarking on the journey of counselling is a personal commitment and an important decision. You are free to choose whether you would like to continue with me after the intial session. If you think that I do not have the relevant experience or expertise to help you, I will let you know and may recommend other therapists whom I believe might be suitable for you.
If we decide to work together, we can work for an agreed number of sessions or on an open-ended basis. This can be agreed at the beginning or reviewed by us at any stage. Sessions are at least once a week for the work to be most effective. This will be a dedicated on-goin slot that is set aside for you. We will establish a contract in which we will make clear the confidential nature of the sessions, the cancellation policy and establish our commitment to working together in regular weekly sessions.